How much does it cost to host a community screening of Road to Peace?

The usual screening pack costs £50 or $75USD to cover our material and administrative costs have been removed in light of the recent terrorist attacks. The need to share the message of peace is more urgent now than ever. 
Can we charge for tickets?

Yes of course! If you are hosting a public screening and charging for tickets for profit, we ask that you make a suggested donation of 20% percentage of the profits back to us.
What happens to our money?

Road to Peace Films is an independent production company dedicated to creating films that will benefit people all over the world. 5% of the profits of Road to Peace are donated to the charity Tibet House Trust. And any further money raised goes towards funding further films and peace projects. 
Is there anything else we need to do at the screening?

If you would like Leon Stuparich, the Director and Producer of Road to Peace to participate in your Q&A, please get in touch for details and to check his availability. There is a cost involved for his time and his travel expenses. However this does add significant “gravitas” to the event and you can get real audience involvement adding this element to the event.


Will you help with the promotion of our screening?

Yes we will include it on our website and in our social media marketing. We also include information on how to make the most of your screening through suggestions and recommendations of things that can enhance the overall experience.


BACK TO: Host a screening of Dalai Lama’s Road to Peace